AZ-Delivery surprise box

Save €15.00

choose size: Medium Box
Sale price€15.00 Regular price€30.00

Tax included

✅ Alle Komponenten mindestens 50% reduziert (bspw. Sie bestellen die 25 EUR Box, dann sind Komponenten für mindestens 50 EUR Original-Verkaufspreis enthalten!)
✅ Viele unserer Top-Produkte werden für die Überraschungsbox ausgewählt: Sensoren, Aktoren, Displays, Mikrocontroller und sonstiges Zubehör
✅ Jede Menge Bastelmaterial um unsere Blogprojekte nachzubauen
✅ Coole Sets zum Sonderpreis

Important downloads and links


With this surprise box you get everything the hobbyist desire:

  • All components reduced at least 50% (For example, you order the 25 EUR box, then components are included for at least 50 EUR original sales price!)
  • Many of ours Top products are selected for the surprise box: sensors, actuators, displays, microcontrollers and other accessories
  • Lots of handicrafts to recreate our blog projects
  • Cool sets at a special price
  • Let yourself be inspired by the surprise box for new projects!


The AZ-Delivery surprise box is not a subscription!

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