SmartHome book

title: SmartHome book
Sale price€19.90

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✅ Vielfältiges Hintergrundwissen durch detaillierte Beschreibung der Bauteile und Programmiergrundlagen
✅ Einfache, leicht verständliche, bebilderte Erklärungen der verwendeten Bus-Systeme
✅ Vertiefung der Theorie durch praktische Beispiele
✅ Praxisprojekte wie Erfassung von Umweltparametern, automatische Pflanzenbewässerung und Steuerung eines Ventils mit einem Servo dienen als Vorlage für eigene Ideen.

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SmartHome The basic book for your DIY SMARTHOME

With modern microcontroller modules, it has simply become possible to record measured values ​​with sensors and to carry out actions with actuators.
This book uses numerous examples to show how this can be achieved. A wide range is covered, from simple measured value acquisition, automatic plant irrigation to a MQTT-supported SmartHome center.
The projects and the components used are explained in detail. A beginner can easily recreate the examples or, with a little programming knowledge, adapt to their own needs.
Advanced people can see the projects as a suggestion for their own further development.
In addition to a detailed source of supply at the end of the book, all programs described, as well as STL files for the production of housings on the 3D printer, can be downloaded.


  • Use and programming of the ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontroller in the Arduino IDE
  • Use of sensors for measuring environmental factors
  • Use of actuators such as relays and servos
  • Explanation of bus systems I2C and SPI
  • Basic introduction to HTML and CSS
  • Simple web server with microcontroller
  • Explanation and application of MQTT
  • Building your own MQTT broker

  • Diverse background knowledge through detailed description of the components and programming bases
  • Simple, easily understandable, illustrated explanations of the bus systems used
  • Deepening of the theory through practical examples
  • Practical projects such as recording environmental parameters, automatic plant irrigation and control of a valve with a servo serve as a template for your own ideas.
  • SmartHome headquarters with touchscreen control can be used unchanged, but also as a basis for your own further developments.

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